Recording of The Sustainable Hotel Exchange: Data Matters

by: Felicity Cousins | June 14, 2024

UK: The inaugural session of the Sustainable Hotel Exchange, with the subject Data Matters, was held on May 22nd at 12 noon. This recording is now available for those who want to register to listen.

The 45 minute session sees industry experts chatting about sustainable data trends and the challenges the hotel sector faces with new regulations, alignment, reporting and future technology.

The panel is moderated by Felicity Cousins editor of Sustainable Hotel News and she is joined by experts Alina Arnell chief sustainability officer, BeCause, Peter Marshall, head of compliance, PPHE and Jo Geneen, co-founder Good&Co.

You will be asked to register before you can watch the recording and you will need this passcode: af^mf*9V

You can watch a recording of the webinar here . 

The views expressed in this webinar are based on the observations, experience and belief of the individual speakers and do not represent the views or opinions of Sustainable Hotel News.